“A life coach does for the rest of our life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness.”
Elaine MacDonald
Life Coaching
Life coaching is “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” (International Coaching Federation)
A life coach is not a therapist or consultant. A coach won’t tell you what is wrong with you or attempt to fix you because there is nothing wrong with you. A coach won’t dig into your past because we want you to live in the present moment. A coach won’t tell you how to solve your problems or give advice, but a coach will help you find the answers that are already in you. They will ask you questions that significantly alter your perspectives, unleash your imagination, and help you visualize your future. It’s about self-discovery and finding your joy.
With our busy lifestyles, many of us don’t have or take the time to listen to ourselves. Not the non-stop, usually negative voices in our heads that tell us “we need more” or “we aren’t good enough”, but the quieter voices that take time to hear and tell us what our gifts are, what makes us happy, and how to fulfill our higher purpose. As a result of not taking the time to discover our true selves, we listen to what others say should make us happy or we do what we think will make us happy at that moment. In time, we end up more unhappy, unsatisfied, and confused about what went wrong. We also tend to be more reactive; riding waves of strong emotions as external factors change.
When we are more in touch with ourselves, we can better hear those quiet voices. We can discover what makes us truly happy, and that happiness is not going to be tied to any external factors.
As we move through life, we are told what we should and should not do, what we should and should not want, and what we should and should not have, look like, be, act like, etc. by our families, friends, and society. Take away those external voices, and what is it that we really want? Before we give into these voices, we have unlimited potential and opportunities and our own unique gifts that will bring us joy and fulfillment. That’s not to say we will never struggle, have challenges, or face losses. Those are part of life. What is does mean is that we will be better able to handle those difficult times, and we are less reactive, because we have joy that comes from within. Life is about finding our own joy.
You may be experiencing one of those challenging times now. Maybe you’re facing a life-changing decision, such as choosing a college or career path, changing relationship status or jobs, or deciding whether or where to move; maybe you’re feeling disconnected, confused, sad, or just not completely happy or fulfilled; or maybe you just want to add more joy and connection to your life.
The answers you want are in you.
En Tree can help you find them by helping you spend time doing what your body, mind, and soul need. Whether that be to talk, rest, recover, rejuvenate, exercise, heal, rejoice, discover happiness, or reconnect, En Tree can help you find and stay on the right path. Are you ready to get find your path to wellbeing? See our Events page to schedule a session or Contact Us if you have questions or don’t see what you need.
Learn more
To learn more about our programs including Life Coaching, Meditation, Nature Therapy, Yoga, Reiki, and programs specific to kids, visit our Services Page. Visit the Calendar Page for a listing of planned events, or get in touch through our contact form.